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Showing posts from September, 2017

Featuring Author Lisa Pauley Johnson

My name is Lisa Pauley Johnson. I was an educator for almost 30 years until a stroke that affected my vision forced me into retirement. I had no peripheral vision and I could not see faces. I did not see my own face until 18 months after my stroke.  My husband, my children, and several family members and friends never left my side. The stroke was God's way of getting my attention. I saw life from a different perspective by taking control of my health through exercise and healthy eating. I talked about God and His Goodness wherever I traveled. I started to feel better and wrote my first book in seven days. My writing was not perfect so in an effort to let the world see what impaired vision was like, there are no page numbers in this book. It was a book about my illness, my husband and my children. I also wrote about the importance of love and forgiveness. God sent many people in my life during this time and I shared my love and testimony with them. I wanted the world to see how

Falling In Love While Grieving A Loss

Written By: Briana Brown Photography By Felecia Causey Raising children as a single mother can be challenging, especially for some of us who has lost our kids' father.   On  September 5, 2015, my kids and I lost their father. He was struck by a bullet and pronounced dead at the scene. Although it has been almost two years, it still haven't been easy to us, and we are still hurting. I still haven't gotten over the lost of him and every year around September, depression gets the best of me.    Our kids are too young to really understand, when he passed.  Veronica was only 4 months, DeQuincey Jr. was 1, and Audrieanna was 3 years old at the time.  Audrieanna still remembers a little, and she ask a lot about him. She also knows he is in Heaven now, and she always says "he in the sky mommy".   I get so emotional every time I think about it.  I wish my kids still had their father here, and could be a part of their lives.  We do pray

Featuring Author: Dionda Fugitt

Social Media Pages: Instagram: @iamdionda Facebook: @iamdionda Twitter: @iamdionda Website : Email : About The Author: As a modern day Renaissance woman, Dionda Fugitt has worn many hats, but writing has always held the title as her first love. As a young creative, Dionda found comfort in various dance techniques, performing and poetry. As a music fanatic, listening to the lyrics of songs wasn't enough. Dionda filled journals on top of journals with remixes, verses re-writes and verses to instrumentals.  While on this roller coaster we call motherhood,  Dionda turned to what she knew best, writing. Taking mental notes during girl time & conversations, along with memories as a little girl, she wrote o ver two hundred pages which were then cut down to seven chapters. As the Author of Adjust Your Crown: The Little Ladies' Secret Handbook, Dionda's goal is to reach as many young ladies as

Survival is The Only Option

Photo Courtesy of Monique Written By : Monique Doran "Be sure to check back next month on my review on her books" Felecia. I am Monique Doran, mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and a shoulder for many, but most of all I am a SURVIVOR! This story is one triumph, though not the first of it's kind, certainly one in which I refused to be forever called a victim, but instead VICTORIOUS! I was born and raised what many consider a paradise and ultimate vacation getaway island, Jamaica, Kingston to be precise, but by the age of eleven, my euphoria ended, the place that once bought me peace and safety became the hell to escape. My father, a Sergeant in the Jamaican Constabulary Force, my hero, protector, and friend violated his parental boundaries, revealing a dark side of him, exposing me to a world, foreign, which unbeknownst to me had been happening more rampant that even the news would like to admit. For three years I bowed in fear to his disturbin