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Showing posts from November, 2017

Being The Man My Family Need Me To Be

 Written By: Felecia Causey Models: Joshua and Sophia Iyegha with their two week old daughter Photos: Felecia Causey There is something so priceless about seeing a dad's love for his child and his child's mother. There is nothing more impacting than the love of a father. Having a baby is a life changing event, both physically and emotionally. Many relationships become stronger, after a turning event, as giving birth. The man love for his child's/children's mother shows as he commits his time and energy towards, his family: The commitment to supply stability, safety, honesty, affection, and appreciation for his wife  and child/children is his goal. The greatest challenge in life is setting the goal of being the father and man your family needs. It's natural for a man to want the perfect family, but life's curve ball sometimes finds us, but he works through it. As the man, he exhibits as the leader for his household against life's ch

Who Is The Woman Behind The Titles

Written By: Felecia Causey Photo By:Felecia Causey Models: Shamerial Love and daughters Kennedee Cobb and Zarriah Hinson As most women who are married, in a relationship or have kids we sometimes get caught in everyday routines, and taking care of responsibilities. I'm sure life is like rewinding a VHS tape. You one day realize how much time has gone by. You continuously said you would do this and do that, and then you realize weeks, months, and years have passed . It has hit you "who are you." You have a blessed life but a routine that you, yourself have created. When viewing the lives of some of your social media friends or followers of the story they create , you ask how do they have the time. They seem to have it together, and know exactly who they are. You look in the mirror, you look like you, but you look again, who is the person behind the face and makeup. Who are you besides the mother, wife, daughter, sister, student and business owner? Many wom

Saving Money:How I Spend Less Than A $100.00 On Groceries and Household Items A Week Without Using Coupons

Written By: Felecia Causey For me, spending money on groceries and eating out, can be expensive. The constant viewing of my bank account, with numerous transactions from restaurants and grocery stores was ridiculous. I am talking about almost $30.00 per fast food restaurant visit and grocery stores bills would be over $200. I know the struggle of having a busy schedule and the convenience of take out food. As a mother of two kids, who participate in several extracurricular activities, stopping by to pick up a burger is the easy thing to do. I decided to come up with a game plan to limit eating out, and spending an extreme amount of money on food and junk. I started my journey and decided to feed my family with a budget of a 100.00 a week. This budget included all house supplies without being a coupon fanatic. I have nothing against coupons, but I personally, do not have the time or the desire to do so. Before I share my own personal experience on how I changed spending

How To Prepare Your Child For The New Baby

Written By: Felecia Causey Model: Monique Harris and Daughter I remember when I found out I was pregnant with my son, my daughter was a year and a half at the time. She was not very interested in me sharing that I had a baby in my stomach, and that she will soon become a big sister. I continued to explain it to her, all the way until the day he arrived.  We did maternity photos, and even then she was nonchalant the whole session. She really didn't grasp that she had someone to share her mom with until the day she saw him in my arms. She automatically became jealous. The three best advice I can give you on preparing your child for the new baby. 1. You want to make sure that during your pregnancy, you are spending time with the soon to be brother/sister as much as possible. 2. No matter how many times it takes, continue to tell them about the baby, even if he or she acts unconcerned or have no interest on the conversation. 3. The day you introd

Raising A Son Who Will Make A Great Husband

Written By: Felecia Causey Model: Donnisia McCall and Son In a culture where disrespecting women seems to be accepted and even embraced, but as mothers we want our sons to be respectful and value all people regardless if they are male or female. The terms "mama's boy" comes to mind, when we as mothers spend as much attention as we can to our son/sons. One day if it's the Lord's will our sons will become a husband, so we are constantly actively engage in training our sons to be independent. When our sons find the woman God has for him, we want her to be thankful , and as a mother, that  you have raised the man of her dreams. She will appreciate how you have instilled in him how to love, and respect her. As you hold his tiny hands into your very own and hug his small body, and show him unconditional love, so that one day the woman he choose to spend his life with, will receive what you have given him.

Hiding Behind The Mask

Models: Janita Thomas and Danielle Owes Written By Felecia Causey Halloween is the one day a year, you can wear a mask, and be whomever you want to be, without being criticized . Then, there is the "mask" many of us women wear everyday. The mask you wear that is used  to cover up depression, loneliness, low self esteem, and many other insecurities. I am sure many of us are guilty, that we sometimes never allow our emotions to surface and keep them hidden. I am sure keep it in, can become exhausting. We have the tendency to feel denial, unworthiness, embarrassment, and guilt that we try to disguise behind the face (mask), that we have to constantly, put on for our families, peers, co-workers, and friends. Maybe the woman behind the mask is a domestic violence survivor, sexual abused victim, or was once hurt by someone that she cared about. A natural response to get by in life is to cover up and hide how you really feel. The day you choose to