Author Spotlight: Interview with Author Chasity Monet

Thanks Author Chasity Monet for being on my blog!

Me: Please share with my readers a little about yourself.

A: I'm Author C. Monet from Clarksville TN and I write spine-tingling juicy urban romance, contemporary romance and women fiction novels. I'm a mom of two, wife, business owner, lover of cupcakes, wine, and classic movies. My favorite thing is love. Love is always the description, caption and always relevant. 

Me : Tell me what inspired you to start writing.

A: The age thirty inspired me to start writing. I was approaching thirty and started getting really serious about finding a passion. I started praying, blogging and thinking about what it truly was that I loved to do. And although it didn't start out with the idea of writing novels, my love for helping others kind of kickstarted me to write my story which I knew would help others.

Me: How long have you been writing?

A: I've been writing since 2017. 

Me:  In your opinion what was the hardest part of writing your books.
A: I would have to say the hardest part about writing my books is showing love in different ways and making sure I'm staying fresh. 

Me: What advice would you give to an upcoming writer?

A: My advice to any new author would be to discover your WHY and WHO! Get a clear understanding of who your ideal reader is. 

Me: What are you hoping people gain from reading your books?

A: I hope people gain hope and understanding. Sometimes we go through life thinking we are all alone. I try to ensure there's something to relate to in my books. My own story is one of trial and then triumph. It's possible. 

Me:  Do you have any new books coming out? 

A: I just released 2 books at the beginning of this month. So right now I don't have anything completed. 

Me: How can your books be purchased?

A: My books are available in e-book form on Amazon but my paperbacks are available on my website. For both ebook and paperbacks here's the link

Me: What upcoming project do you have coming, that you would like to share.

A:I'm working on a collaboration and also working on a 3 book standalone series based around country music songs. I'm trying to give them a little spin. 

Me: Please share your media pages for new fans that you would like to share.

My Review: His Heart Your Love

This was a page turner. I love books that aloows me to feel the emotional the characters are feeling. I enjoy reading books that give hard life choices, like LaMia had. (I will not give away the story). However, the perfect example of love never fails.