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Showing posts from September, 2022

Teaching Your Kids How to Treat Kids That Look Different

Model: DuRiyah Foster-Smith   I wanted this precious girl to feel like a princess at her photoshoot, and she loved it. It breaks my heart to hear and see stories from parents on how their child was mistreated, left out, bullied, and ignored because they were different.  As a mother of two kids, I work every day to try to protect my kids both physically and mentally. There isn’t any good parent that wants their child to physically and emotionally be hurt. Most times we have to be their voice and their advocate. We must start teaching kids how to treat people. It starts at home, showing them that they must treat people the way they want to be treated.  Kids are such extraordinary individuals, and they observe everything. If they are curious or not familiar with something, they will ask questions.  It’s up to us parents to be there, to show them the right thing. As parents before kids go to school it’s important that you tell and show them that kids are different. With a world full of div

Teaching Our Daughters Everything Shouldn’t Be Competitive

  Written By: Felecia Causey Photography: Felecia Causey Models: Elisabeth and Ramiyah Myers Growing up as a girl can be so challenging in these times. With social media playing a huge role in so many people's lives, it has become a ground for competition.  Some don’t care about living in their truth but creating a story/life that makes them look like they have it all together.  I really learned what “fake it to you make it” meant when I finally saw how society made people tell excessive lies. Women/girls fixing themselves up with filters to the point that they’re unrecognizable in person.  Many females are always trying to look better physically and on their personal page to become competitive. They want to have the best hair, make-up, relationship, and business. What are we teaching our daughters?  Are we trying to always make everything a competition? When businesses could thrive, working with each other. Why is it so hard? Allowing each other to work together as a team and as