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Showing posts from December, 2013

Felecia's Spot "Decemember"

The Holidays are here. I am excited to share my second blog with you all.   Please forgive me if you see any mistakes. God is so awesome! I want to thank everyone who have participated in this month and the previous month blog. Malibu Wedding Experience I had the experience to travel to my dream location and shoot my first out of state wedding.  I would like to send a special thank you to Jeff and Sharon Silverman for this awesome opportunity. I had the chance to eat out and visit Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, and Malibu. The wedding took place in Malibu on Zuma Beach. It was very intimate and romantic.  I am excited to be planning another trip out there. Please view some of Jeff's and Sharon's wedding photos below. Below you will view different inspiring stories from different people (Enjoy God bless) "I Value Myself" I met Stephanie over a year ago. She is a very extraordinary young lady with a story that will