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Showing posts from January, 2017

I Wanted to Be Her Voice, Caring Teachers Matter

This is my daughter Tyreanna, she is almost 12 years old. She is what I bconsidered as my "seat belt" on life. When I became pregnant with her I knew her needs had to come before mines. At the age of three I realized that my daughter speech wasn't what other kids her age was. I remember how family members constantly criticized  me on how she needed to be in school around other kids. Her father and I felt it was in our best interest to not put her in daycare.  We purchased many videos of sight words to help her pronounce her words, but it just didn't help much. I was around her so much, that I knew what she was trying to say, even when others didn't. I remember because she was such a beautiful little girl, she would always be approached by people and they couldn't understand her. They would ask me what she said and I would tell them, but I hid my hurt and anger. When she was four years old we enrolled her into a Pre-K program in one of the nearby public

Janae's Kids Birthday Session

I met Janae when I did her maternity session when she was pregnant with the handsome little guy in the photo. She was the first mom that allowed me to capture my first birth session. It's something I will never forget.  I was nervous and I laughed so much at Janae's mother. It was a great experience and I am completely grateful that she allowed me a stranger, to be a part of this special moment in her life. I have enjoyed watching the kids grow up from then until now... They kids both are celebrating their birthdays this month. The kids did such a great job, and the weather was so nice. Thanks Janae again for allowing me to capture your family memories.  

Maternity Photos With Your Kid(s)

I believe maternity photos, tell it's own story. It's a wonderful way to document your pregnancy. I think involving your kids in your maternity session will make them feel special, and show the bonding of the family with the baby. It can become an exciting touch to your family changing and expanding. Selecting the best poses for you maternity photos, will vary on the age of your child or children. If your child is a toddler you have to make it fun, so then the photos will capture sincere emotions. Outdoor photos seems to work best with kids in my opinion. They are not cramped in a room with limited space. They are able to enjoy the beautiful surrounding with it's numerous things, to view and explore.  Be sure to book your maternity session with your family! These are memories that you will not get back.

He Restored My Faith and Joy

Finding out for the first time that I was going to be a mommy, was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Buying baby clothes, diapers, car seat,  talking with different moms, and going to the doctors were exciting. "Good afternoon Miss Fountain we have some good news for you, it's a girl" . It was so exciting. On October 23, 2012, at approximately 4 P.M., the doctor wanted me to go to the hospital  to the imaging center because they couldn't find my daughter's heartbeat. I get a phone call from my doctor telling me how sorry she was about what happened, so I proceed to the hospital to get medication to be induced immediately. They told me they would  give me as much sense as they could, so that I wouldn't feel any pain. I knew the pain would always remain. October 24, 2012, it was one of the worst, but yet the best day of my life. A 7 lbs, 1oz 21 inches  baby girl.  She was so beautiful, and she had so much of my looks. I held her fo

My Cousin's Maternity Session "Wykita (Bunk) and Marlon"

I be excited to do all my sessions, but this one was very special to me.  We don't see each other or talk often, but when she scheduled her maternity session I was tickled. Growing up in a family full of boys, it was just us three girls: her, her sister Neshia, and me. We came from rushing home at the last minutes to not miss our curfew, to now adults living on our own. Time has really past us by. I was grateful the weather turned out so pretty. We joked and reminisced on the past. I even joked on how the baby had her head as I looked at her ultra sound. I am sure Marlon thought we were crazy. We couldn't even complete the photo shoot from laughing.  It was my first time meeting Marlon, but if you ever take photos with me, I always try to make everyone feel comfortable and just have fun. I didn't want to give him a hard time,  because Wykita (Bunk) was doing it enough. Have you heard someone say the phrase "they don't make

Boykin Family/Maternity Session

The Boykin family drove two hours to allow me to capture their photo session. I am grateful and honored to have someone love my work enough to travel so far. Danirelle, and her beautiful daughters, are embracing her belly at the Hampstead on this beautiful day.  I love the way the sun hit all three of them on these photos. I had to let the couple grab them a few romantic poses.  Then there will be 5.... They will soon be joined by a sweet little boy. I know the dad is happy, that he will not be the only man in the house full of girls. Congrats you all and again thanks!

Beautiful Just the Way I Am

I met Ms. Lovely when I took her sister's maternity pictures. She seemed very shy, but I knew she was a diva deep down. When I asked her about doing a photo shoot with me, she quickly agreed  to the opportunity. We can learn a lot from this young lady. She is such a strong little girl. When you think you are having a bad day, remember someone else is or have been through something worse. Lovely was injured back in Spring of 2012. The fire accident was started by a chimney in her backyard, where her clothes caught fire. She was heard by her mother screaming, who ran out to see her in flames. She was rushed to Baptist Medical Center, but then air lifted to Children's Hospital in Birmingham, Al. She has had over 30 plus surgeries, her body was 40% damaged, and she also had 3rd degree burns. She was not expected to survive. Doctors told her mother it was a 50/50 chance. I say look at God. Lovely wants people to know "we all are different in our o

Finding God In All of This

Anissa is hilarious. I know Anissa from church, New Life Church of God in Christ. She is a diva and will say whatever comes to her mind. I appreciate that because she will tell you the truth.  She is single gentlemen, but in her voice "I don't have time for foolishness".  Please read her journey of being a single mother of 2 boys with autism. Hello my name is Anissa McCants and I have two boys DeAndre (18 years old) and JaDarius (13 years old).  Both are diagnosed with Autism.  Autisms is a brain disorder affecting communication and social interactions.  It occurs before three years of age.  Signs of autism includes repetitive behaviors, impairments in verbal and non-verbal communication, and difficulties with socialization. DeAndre was diagnosed at the age of two with Autism.  He was born normal and was displaying normal milestones up until the age of 15 months.  The same day he took his Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR) vaccination he was never the same.

Book Spotlight: "Sorry Ain't Enough", By Yolanda Ferguson

        I absolutely loved the book. It was one of those books you can't put down. It had suspense, drama, and romance. It was so good it took maybe two days to read it.  When the end of the book came, I wanted more.  If you are in a book club here is one of those books, that will leave everyone ready to stay longer, just to talk about what happened. If you love to curl up under a blanket and drink wine, while you read, this is definitely one you need to add to your list  I was blessed with the opportunity to interview and photograph Mrs. Yolanda, the new upcoming author. Please be sure to grab your copy and contact me with your reviews.  You can look below on how the book can be purchased. Me: Tell me a little about yourself. Yolanda: I have been married for 15 years to my husband Roderick and we have 4 sons. I work at Baptist Medical Center South and I have worked in health care for 20 years. I love reading, cooking,  listening to music, and traveling. Me: What you m

When God Is On Your Side

Me: Tell me about yourself Kawesi: My name is Kawesi Brown.  I am a 38 year old mother of 3 beautiful children, I was born in Manhattan, New York and raised majority of my youth in Roselle, New Jersey. At the age of 13 years old my family relocated to Montgomery, Alabama, where I finished high school and attended Troy State University for a BA degree in Psychology. Me:How was your life growing up?   Kawesi: I had two wonderful parents, and I was a daddy's girl. My daddy was so loving and playful and he always made me laugh and smile. I loved watching the love that he and my mom shared. I remember all the family get together and BBQ's we had while living up north. I was always surrounded by family and friends. Things changed a lot after moving down south. I had to adjust to a totally different environment and I didn't know anyone at my new school. After time things started to get better socially, but things at home with my parents weren't going very well. Aft

Losing a Husband to Gun Violence

Tell me a little about yourself and your kids. I'm a 25 year old mother of two daughters and one son. Their names are Jayden age 7, Avah Williams age 1, & Addison Williams age 2 months. I served in the Army  for three and a half years. I currently work in the surgery department at Baptist South Medical Center. My son is in the 2nd grade at Wares Ferry Elementary and plays football for the Montgomery Bulldogs. My daughters goes to A Great Start Learning Academy. Even though I'm a young mother, I have no regrets. They're my pride and joy. They've been my strength through this tough process. Tell me about your husband. My husband was 31 years old at his time of death. We were getting ready to celebrate his 32nd birthday on December 1st. He was a supervisor at UPS for 7 years. He loved to laugh and see other people laugh. He was working on his degree at Troy University in Business Logistics. He loved his family. He had 4 daughters (2 two of them are with a