Featuring Natural Hair Moms and Daughters

Photos By: Felecia Causey

The natural hair movement has been encouraged and has expanded among African American women. The interest in natural hair has increased, and the numerous amount of hair products are rapidly growing.

Read these mothers journey on choosing to have natural hair with their daughter, and the products they use on their hair.

Looking for the right products that work for you can become expensive, so be sure to check back soon on my write up featuring the different natural hair products and vendors.

Latasha and daughter Brianna

In today's  society everyone have this perception of what true beauty looks like. However, everyone is beautiful  in their own  unique way! As an elementary student my daughter was ridiculed for being dark skin with the kinky coily hairy. She began to feel that her beauty was inferior to those classmates, passing judgment.   Shortly after she wanted to change her appearance to resemble the bullying classmates to become more normal  in their eyes.  I quickly expressed that she was beautiful and was born to stand out.  During  this time of her life I was  faithful to the relaxer also known as the creamy crack. As a parent I try to protect my children emotionally and physically which is not always possible.  I started to ponder on ideas of how I can make my daughter feel beautiful again .  I decided to embark on the natural hair journey along with my daughter and did the big chop! She was ecstatic to see I joined the natural hair team and her self esteem increased  a great deal.  Even though natural hair can be a tedious task we love our kinky coily hair.  Let me share some of our favorite hair care methods and products.   Eden Bodyworks are our go to products and are very affordable!  It's very important to deep condition your hair on a regular basis.  Protective and low manipulation styles are the best  and will keep your hair healthy however twist outs and washing Go's are my fav!

Kelly and daughter London

I decided to do, the big chop five years ago. Relaxed hair just wasn't working for me.  My hair was breaking badly, and I hated relaxers. Perms with lye and no lye, it burned the crap out of my head and thinned my hair out.  I knew after having a child, I didn't want that for her hair, because her hair was so soft and curly. I dared to mess with it. It was one of the reasons I wanted to see what my natural texture was like.  Although I choose to use a lot of protective styles, I love my soft kinky curls.  I love any twist out in my daughter's hair because it is so full and long, even after shrinkage. Our favorite hair products are anything from Shea Moisture line, raw coconut oil, and Cantu coconut curling crème. That is what has worked for us.