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Showing posts from May, 2020

Delayed Ceremony, But Not Denied Love

Written By Felecia Causey Photography By: Felecia Causey Model: Jasmine Brown I know many brides had to postpone their special day due to quarantine. There are words, that the people around them try to convey the right ones to say, as the ladies deal with the heartbroken news that one of the most important days of their life, has to be cancelled or postponed. Most of them have been planning their wedding for months, and some even years, but due to COVID 19 and social distancing it would be near impossible to have the day they always dreamed. I am sure, the next few months will be challenging, with trying to reschedule with their vendors and making sure all of their out of town friends and family will be able to attend. Although times are unpredictable, what a couple should know is that their love for each other, during these trying times doesn’t stop. If you know a bride that had to reschedule or postpone her big day, it may feel unreal and she’s probably sad. 

Mom's and Bonus Mom's Letter to Their 2020 Senior

Dear Jadyn,  Today and everyday I am so proud of the young man that you are becoming. You are intelligent funny, and you bring so much joy to my world.  You have had obstacles put in your way since day one and you have pushed through and exceeded all goals that were put in front of you. I know things are not as you hoped for or planned for your senior year, but I want you to know that you are "still blessed" When things get back close to normal you are going to have a graduation and we will celebrate all of your accomplishments. I want you to always try your very best and give everything your all. Remember Philippians  4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me". Always keep God first in your life and you will always go in the right direction. I love you with all my heart and I am so proud of you. Love always, Mommy Chenique Jaydn, I remember the first time I met you, and to this very day your beautiful smile s

Author Spotlight: Interview with Author Chasity Monet

Thanks Author Chasity Monet for being on my blog! Me: Please share with my readers a little about yourself. A: I'm Author C. Monet from Clarksville TN and I write spine-tingling juicy urban romance, contemporary romance and women fiction novels. I'm a mom of two, wife, business owner, lover of cupcakes, wine, and classic movies. My favorite thing is love. Love is always the description, caption and always relevant.  Me : Tell me what inspired you to start writing. A: The age thirty inspired me to start writing. I was approaching thirty and started getting really serious about finding a passion. I started praying, blogging and thinking about what it truly was that I loved to do. And although it didn't start out with the idea of writing novels, my love for helping others kind of kickstarted me to write my story which I knew would help others. Me: How long have you been writing? A: I've been writing since 2017.  Me:  In your opinion