Expecting and New Parents Books Don’t Tell You About How People Change or About the Emotions


Pregnancy books have everything laid out of what to expect. Most of them share what size your baby is in your stomach every month and what to expect from your doctor visits, but what they all don’t tell you is how the people in your life will change and how you will see life differently. They don’t tell you just how bad the emotions get and that you will soon find that everyone doesn't understand what’s going on. They will not know what to do when you are lonely because nobody wants to hang out with the boring pregnant lady. The writers or experts will not educate you on what to do when people avoid you, when you become whiny and complain about everything. 

You're pregnant and excited, especially if this is your first baby, but don’t expect the “Expecting” books to tell you the sad and ugly side of how people are doing your pregnancy.  

The books will not share with you how to deal with all the things that will annoy you. They most times don't tell you that the people you were once close with and shared all their joys will either act differently or will not share the same joy you had for them during their special moments. 


The books will not explain the disappointments you will have at your baby shower. The people that you expect there will not come, and the ones who said they would be there, will lie. You will not read how expensive a baby shower can be, and that most times it’s a waste of money. The people that show up are either there to be nosey or eat free food, and not bring a gift. At the end of the day, you realize the money you spent on the shower, could have gone back towards your baby.

After finding out you're having a baby, sometimes it will not hit you right away like it may for someone else. Sometimes after you hear the baby's heartbeat, it finally hits you that you are carrying a little one inside. As most parents as myself, life as you once saw it will be different. I can’t say this statement is true about all moms and parents, but for some of us, it makes us change our perspective on life choices, and who we want to be as a person. A lot of the guides of becoming a new parent, doesn’t really give you a guide of everything you will deal with emotionally.  

Regardless of if you get disappointed during your pregnancy or after a high expectation you have with people or yourself, always remember there is someone that depends on you. Everything you need to know may not be in any book, but just take it one day at a time. A person can read one hundred books, but that doesn’t mean everything will be written out for you. You will learn it and you will get through it. There are many women before us that didn’t have books, goggle, and classes to teach them what to look forward to and what to expect on this physical and emotional journey, but they made it as a woman and mother, and you will too…!