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Showing posts from January, 2023

I Am Not My Hair

Written By: Felecia Causey Photography By:Felecia Causey Model/Featured: Quintasia I came across this young lady's story on her mom's Facebook page, and I knew instantly I wanted to share her story on my blog. I could imagine the emotions that her and her mother went through. They had to come against this new struggle and fight for something that’s very important to a woman and a young girl. In a place where how you look is very important. Most women feel like their hair is everything. We live in a country where billions of dollars are being used on hair products, hair services and more. When this young lady thought it was just a piece of hair coming and didn’t understand what was going on I’m sure she was scared and confused. Then a mother sees and does not instantly know what is going on. I'm sure she instantly becomes frightened of what she has to do for her daughter. After the visit to a specialist, they diagnosed that she has alopecia. As any mother her first thought w