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Showing posts from November, 2016

God Gave Me a Way Out, Now Living Life Like It's Golden

My name is Veronica, and I w as born November 22, 1966 t o a t eenaged mother who didn’t wan t to settle do wn, and be a mother .  The transition…My grandmother , came t o New Y ork and got me fr om a neighbor tha t m y mother left me with f or 2 week s.  After r ea lizing that she w asn’t coming back, she mad e cont act with m y “MO THER”. This lady nourished me not only from a f ood standpoin t, but she taugh t me how t o be a woman. I made a v ow tha t I would nev er abandon m y children and I pr aise God, that I kep t that pr omise. I was moles ted fr om the ag e of 9 to 15 b y m y aunt ’ s husband, who I f org ave not long ago b ef ore he di ed. With this came anger , depression, and guilt.  It made us hav e to mov e fr om T e xas b ack to Alabama, after I r evealed all t o m y Big Mama (that ’ s what we called m y grann y) .  I became a t eenaged mother and g ave birth t o my firs t beautiful baby girl a t the age of 16. My daughter's f ather denied her i n fro

I Am More Than Skin Deep

I was born and raised in Montgomery, Alabama. My name is Vanlessia Gaston. I am a twenty-five year old single mom of two beautiful kids that I adore. I have been battling severe plaque psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis since, I was six years old. Imagine waking up everyday knowing that it is another day to fight. Some see it as a cry for help, but I see it as a cry for comfort. Through the pain I still fight and push for a better living. For years I locked myself away from the world. People would make fun of my skin disease, and it's very rare I will get someone to ask, "What's going on?" .Some would run away saying they're scared, thinking it's a spreadable disease. You get tired of the constant chatter, and people thinking that you are contagious. That was it...I was tired. I decided I didn't want to fight the world anymore so I locked myself away. It was the worst mistake I could have ever made in my life.  It only brung about depression, anxiety,

Author Tammie McCurry "Building The Unbreakable Bond"

Dr . T a mmie Ross McCurry has been happily married to her husband Michael for twenty-eight years. She is the proud mother of six daughters: Brittney , A l y ssa, Jasmine, T akia, Mikala, and Ashley . She has been blessed with one son in love James Daniels Jr .  and she has two amazing grandsons, Ethan Jace McCurr y and James Michael Daniels III. Dr . McCurry is an author , minister, m otivational speaker, and life/relationship coach. She is the President and CEO of Confidential Consultants LLC, a personal and professional development firm focused on empowering and educating individuals about the “ships”….leadership and relationships. Her book B ui l d i ng t he U nbre a ka bl e B ond guides readers in to an understanding of why it is so important to have God in your relationships, specifically your marriage. Dr. McCurry provides a blueprint that anyone can follow to ensure they are building and maintaining a stron

Ta'Kerria Maternity Session

Ta'Kerria booked me a couple of months ago. We started indoors with the photo session, to capture a few with her and Ron. They both will be welcoming a little girl name Londyn very soon... If you can't decide rather to do indoors or outdoors maternity session, do both...! It was so beautiful outside and I couldn't be more excited about the lighting of that day. Thanks guys so much.. for allowing to do your photos. Be sure to see more photos from this session on my facebook page soon...

Brittany Family and Beya Newborn Session

 My goodness Beya is too cute. Who wouldn't get baby fever after doing photos of her and her family.  She slept almost the whole session, which as you can see, the photo session came out great.  I have known Brittany a few years, and seeing the addition to the family made me kind of tickeled, because I was so use to her and the boys. ( Mason and Daniel) She had so much hair on her head. Can't you tell how much he adores his little sister. Thanks so much... for allowing me to capture your precious memories

Kristen's Sweet 16 Photo Shoot!

What a way to start off your sweet 16 birthday? A photo shoot. Kristen included some of her friends into her photo session to add a little fun. I thought the shirts were cute.. The session was fun and interesting. I allowed the girls to be comfortable and choose poses that they liked. It's your birthday, so you get to do what you want! Thanks so much for allowing me to capture your special memories!