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Featuring: Interview With Author and Motivational Speaker Ms. Angela Marshall

I had the opportunity to interview the intelligent and encouraging Angela Marshall. 

**Please share with my readers a little about yourself.
The Story and Life of an Ex-NFL Wife is a platform and global movement that encourages people to "Live Vicariously through Themselves." I am a business owner, bestseller published author and motivational presenter. Life for me has been valley's and mountaintops. Growing up altruistic with lighter skin in an African American family environment and being an unwed teen mother, afforded a view point advantage of diversity, different and determination. I am also a community advocate, youth mentor and supporter. 

After filing for divorce in 1999, I immediately went into secular employment. I worked as a Senior Unit Specialist at a Bio-Tech company for 18 years. Most people wondered how I went from the lifestyle of the supposed rich, famous and lavish to a lifestyle of labor and lack. Constantly I was trying to find happy, wholeness and contentment in my reflection. My autobiography, "Reality to Rags to Riches," chronicles portions of my story that shares my triumph from spectator to motivator. 
** As a follower of your Instagram page, I notice that you are a busy woman. How do you keep it all together? 
I reach out to my motivators, circle and corner for assistance. I am blessed with amazing people that are in my background, backdrop and backseat that push, press and propel me to fight for my right to succeed in life. They constantly put me in the starting line-up even when I want to bench myself.

** Lets talk about your book. What inspired you to write it?
 I was tired of being a sidelined in life so I decided to get off the bench and get in the game. I’ve struggled with depression, inadequacy (still working that one out) and battled with low self esteem but the power, position and purpose that was formed inside of me would not let me NOT be great. A lot of people assumed as a former NFL Wife, that my life was perfect. I penned the book to share my truth of struggles to strength. 

** What do you love about the art of public speaking?
Positively impacting lives is the most rewarding feeling that accompany's speaking to the public. Knowing that my words influence others to turn their stumbling blocks into stepping stones keeps me encouraged and empowered to live my life filled, fueled and fulfilled. 
** Who or what inspires you in the speaking?
My children and grandchildren are a huge part of my "why" as well as every person that has planted seeds into my life. I also feel obligated to give a voice to those that are going through depression, anxiety and suffering from low self-esteem issues. I think that when you overcome personal battles, you should share how you convert those downs in life to wins. 

** I see that you are an advocate of your community, how important is this to you?
I believe that giving back is a priority and never optional. The CSRA (Central Savannah River Area) community is a large part of who and where I am today. My personal motto is, "When what you say plus what you do equals inspiration for others, you must use that power to positively impact."
** Will there be any new books coming out?
Yes. I'm actually working on my fourth book now. I have a lot of titles and content to keep me writing and speaking as long as I have breath. Writing is my therapeutic outlet. 
** If there was one thing you could tell your young self, what would it be?
I would give her my journals so she could read about my journey to encourage her to choose her future paths wisely so she can live free, fearlessly and fulfilled. 
** I know you focus on being encouraging to others, how do keep yourself uplifted?
Meditations, affirmations and aspirations help me through dark, dismal and dysfunctional times in my life. I am constantly streaming motivational videos and reading positive literature to help me grow, sow and glow in life. 

** Do you have any upcoming events?
My calendar is filled with interviews on global podcasts, television and radio show appearances.

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