Love Is Deeper Than The Color of Someone's Skin


Written By: Felecia Causey

Photography By: Felecia Causey

Thanks to my models!!

The world has been showing some ugly traits and behaviors towards each other simply because of the color of a person’s skin. Love is a beautiful thing, and the color of a person’s skin should not be why they shouldn’t be loved or mistreated.

Look at this beautiful little girl, who couldn’t love this sweet face?  

People quickly judge people by what they see on the outside instead of getting to know an individual from the inside.  

You can’t judge a person off someone that looks like them. We are all guilty, we have at least one time in our lives judged someone on how they look. We assumed that a person fits certain stereotypes. Isn’t that sad? We have looked at how people are dressed, what car they drive, where they live, and the most common is the pigmentation of their skin.

I have taken pride in my parenting, and always teaching my kids to be kind to others, no matter how they look.  A person deserves to be treated with respect. A person’s behavior, their return respect, and how they treat you is how you deal with a person.

Outsiders are not the only ones that treat people differently because of the color of their skin. Family members are not exempt.  People have been excluded because they are too dark, too light, or just don’t fit into “their family’s dynamics” . I never understood why people's skin color plays such a huge impact on how people treat one another.

I have found myself personally being profiled, mistreated, and looked over as well as my kids, because of our skin color, by both people who look/don't look like us and those who share the same blood. Choose love and choose to look past what a person looks like.  There are so many amazing people I have come across, some that don't share the same blood or share my skin color but have treated my family and myself like we are kin.  They don't care what we have or what we look like, they welcome us in their home, and treat us with so much respect and love.

Love overcomes and covers all.

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