Preparing Your Kids for School

 Written By: Felecia Causey

Photography By: Felecia Causey

Thanks to all my amazing models!

Kids grow so fast. One minute, they’re coming from the hospital, and before you know it, they are graduating Pre-K or Kindergarten.  Education is so different from what many of us parents remember. When we started school, the requirements were nothing compared to what kids need to know, before enrolling in any pre-k or kindergarten class.  We actually learned most stuff like our alphabet and numbers 1-50 in class. In times such as these, kids need to be prepared early. They need to be able to read before they enter school.

What do I mean? With so many failing schools, and overcrowded classrooms, allowing your child to be behind his classmates in their studies will cause him/her to become stressed and overwhelmed trying to cram in a lot of information at one time.  Let’s be real, many teachers feel overworked, and don’t have the extra time to catch them up. It seems harsh, but it’s one of the ugly truths.  The school system puts the kids on a curriculum that the teachers have to get done in a certain amount of time. When some of the kids are behind, it puts the whole class behind. I have had several parents tell me how their kids weren’t prepared or that they felt like it was the teachers’ job to teach them.  Then, some came back and said that they regretted that they didn’t do their part.  

Summer is here! I know kids want to have fun, maybe they’re even drained, from the school year.  There is nothing wrong with them enjoying their summer break but be mindful that school is right around the corner and will be here before you know it.  There are so many fun products to help you all get through what you may feel like is torture.  Kids love games.  Creating or purchasing something that’s fun, and also educational is a great combo. 

Give your kids the best chance.  You are their number one supporter, so giving them the opportunity to be ready will put them on the path of being great.  You have to do your part, even when you don’t feel like it. It’s not only the teachers’ responsibilities, but it is also yours.

Kids are the future, and you may just be raising the next doctor, lawyer, teacher, or even the president. Your child's education matters and your hands in being a part of it does too.

You Got This!!

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