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I Was A Domestic Violence Victim, But Now I'm A Survivor

Photography By: Felecia Causey My name is Roshada and I was a victim of domestic violence, but now I say I am a survivor.  It began about 5 years ago, when I was in a very vulnerable state of mind.  I was lonely and looking for someone or something to just love me.  My beautiful nightmare began, when I met this man on social media. It first started as casual conversations, but one Sunday I decided to allow him to come to my house.  I was in the yard washing my truck when he called my phone, and told me he wondered if I was as pretty on any other day as I looked while I was sweating.  I wasn't that fascinated by the comment, but I agreed to let him take me on a date.  He pulled up to my house 10 minutes later. I wasn't aware that he only lived five minutes away.  When I saw him all I could see was this nicely built, soft spoken handsome man standing in front of me, and ignoring the fact he had a  monitor on his leg. After our encounter,  it was long late nights

I'm A Mother Raising Twins With Disabilities

My name is Angela Livingston-Jones, and I have twin daughters Ameerah and Amaris Jones that were born at 24 weeks.  Ameerah weighed 1lb 5oz at birth and Amaris weighed 1lb 2oz.  My husband and I were overjoyed when we found out that I was pregnant, and the excitement became greater when we found out that it was twins.  My pregnancy was not an ordinary pregnancy by any means.  I almost lost my babies when I was 17 weeks.  I stayed in the hospital for 2 months before delivering by emergency c-section.  The girls had to stay in the hospital for 4 months and this was not an easy task for their father  and I.  Ameerah had to be sent to Children’s of Alabama due to a hole in her heart.  They thought that they may have to do surgery, but by the grace of God they didn’t.   After finally being released from the hospital after a 4 month stay, Ameerah had to be rushed to Emory Children’s Hospital to have an emergency eye surgery, due to detached retinas in both eyes.  

I Lost A Leg and My Daughter, But God Blessed Me to Be a Shining Star

Photography By: Felecia Causey My name is Raven, and I know God has a purpose for my life. On June 11, 2016, is when my life changed forever, after a tragedy struck. I was hit by a car, loss my daughter, and my left leg . I had injuries to my pelvis, back, brain, stomach, and right elbow. The injury I sustained to my stomach was what caused me to lose my daughter, and left me with a colostomy bag. I knew my grandma had officially became her mom. I saw her in a dream where she let me knew that she would protect Miracle and me both. I have had a total of forty-eight surgical procedures. I have also suffered a heart attack, during one of my operations. For 3 months I could only breathe 5% on my own ,but by the grace of God, I’m still here today to tell my story . People constantly tell me that God gave me the heart of a lion and the strength of a warrior. Honestly, sometimes I think about my life, and wonder how did I manage to overcome something so difficult.

Doctors Gave Me Her Results, But God Showed Me Otherwise

Photography By: Felecia Causey My daughter Ma'Kailyn was born with a heart defect called pulmonary artestia. She also has a hole in her heart called VSD- ventricular septal defect, that cannot be closed.  After she was born, she had to stay in the hospital for eighty-eight days, and I was there right by her side the entire time.  I was worried about my baby, and I even questioned myself as to why, she has to go through so much. The Lord above, answered my prayers, and she came through. When she left the hospital, she was doing great, and when she had her first doctor visit, everything came back normal . On January 15, 2018, she got really sick. She had to be airlifted to a hospital in Birmingham, AL.  The hole that was keeping her alive, was beginning to close up on her, and she went into cardiac arrest for sixty-two minutes.  It was the worse minutes of my life.  I begin to ask myself again, why do my sweet baby have to endure so much at such a young age.  I was reliev

Teachers: Will You Be Remembered as a Hero or a Villain in Your Students' Life

Written By: Felecia Causey Photography By: Felecia Causey I'm one of the parents who believe that teachers, play an important role in children's lives. As a supporter of teachers, I do believe they are underpaid, considering the task they have at hand. As most teachers who have this job, he/she loves what they do and the kids. As I believe most jobs as this one, you should have compassion, empathy, and love for people.  Unfortunately, all teachers don't share the joy of being an educator. As an adult today, I still remember the teachers that were judgmental, miserable, and hated their job. I also remember the ones that influenced my life. Every child doesn't have what many considers a normal family. Would you use your influence to treat a child differently because of their background, the color of their skin, or because they require a little more help than their other classmates? Will you show your students that favoritism outweighs talent? As a mu

Rising Above All Obstacles With Brachial Plexus

Photography by Felecia Causey My name is Kquoneicya Davis, but everyone calls me Osha. I gave birth to a four year old beautiful little girl, that we named Kaitlyn. When she was born she weighed 9lbs and 4oz. When Kaitlyn was born she was not breathing, and they had to perform CPR on her for about 15 minutes, until she started breathing again. She had to be on a ventilator to help her breathe. We found out that her sugar was to high and her blood pressure was to low. Kaitlyn's father and I could only pray because we thought that we were about to lose our little girl. She had to be transported to another hospital and be placed in NICU. We had to wait three days, to be inform that she was not able to use her right arm. When she was 3 months old that’s when the doctors diagnosed her with brachial plexus. She had to have her first surgery when she was nine months old. The operation took almost nine hours, which was to have her nerves reconstructed. The operat

My Daughter Taught Me to Not Let Obstacles Stand in My Way of Living Life to the Fullest

  Divine Shytrinese Moore was born, March 28, 2000. She was a healthy 7lbs little baby with the cutest smile. She had good checkups and the doctor never detected any delays or illnesses.  At around 2 years old Divine began to swell. Her eyes would get so swollen she could barely see out of them. Divine's, whole body was swollen like the Pillsbury dough boy. I would rush her to the emergency room on base (we were military) and the doctors were trying to figure out what could she possibly be allergic to that would cause so much swelling. I was a nervous wreck!  I worried that whatever she was allergic to could kill her. After a couple of days it would go down, but it came with a lot of going to the bathroom (urinating) and because she was so big it was tough to potty train her, so she had to continue to wear pullups.  So finally one day she was swollen again, and as usual I rushed her to the doctor. This particular day we got a different doctor (thank God )! He ran som