
Black Women: We Are More Than What People Label Us

WRITTEN BY: FELECIA CAUSEY PHOTOGRAPHY BY: FELECIA CAUSEY MODEL:TYKIMBRIA JONES Our biggest critic is the person that looks back at us in the mirror. Have you ever wondered why they didn't teach a class in school on learning to accept who we are?  Coming to accept who you are can be emotionally and physically draining. You have to learn to accept your flaws and all imperfections. You have to embrace them, love yourself, and be okay to be just you. Many of us will be judged from our past, but once you allow yourself to realize you're not in the past anymore it can longer affect you. What they try to throw at you can no longer be a weapon that can be used to weaken the strong person you are. As you walk down this road of life realize we are not able to change others' perspective on what they think of us. One of my favorite sayings is "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change," It gives me inspiration to realize that life goes on, and it's a

Preparing For Your Maternity Session

WRITTEN BY: FELECIA CAUSEY PHOTOGRAPHY BY: FELECIA CAUSEY MODEL: JaNaishia Moore   It’s an exciting time for all moms to be. There is so much to prepare before the arrival of their bundle of joy. One of the most anticipated things is taking maternity photos. Like all other special events in a woman’s life, they want everything to be perfect and fall into place. Sometimes things may not go the way you plan.  My best advice is to have a good attitude. If you come in a horrible mood, it sets the tone for you, the photographer, and the whole photo session. As a photographer I am sure it’s not fun or productive when someone comes into the studio with a bad attitude. Book Early! Scheduling way in advance gives you the opportunity to not have to rush. Most make-up artists, hair stylists, and photographers book way in advance, and to not deal with the headache of not finding someone can become frustrating. Especially when most times, deposits are nonrefundable.   Selecting your photographer: M

There Is No Full Manual on Being a Parent

Written By:Felecia Causey Photography By: Felecia Causey Model: Alexis Parker and "Daughter" Zaniah McGee As a parent you want to do everything right. You will try your best to do what you can to raise your kids and take care of them to the best of your ability. I will not guarantee that you will always get it right, but you will eventually figure it out. We live in such a judgmental world where everyone thinks they know what’s best.  Many are so bold to voice their opinion on what you are not doing right, and how they believe it should be done.    Elders have come up with “it’s their way or no way” of bringing up kids.  They have forced their parenting ways upon younger people because they believe it’s the “right” way. What they fail to realize is that times have changed, and things are different. I do believe that some of the parenting methods back then, did bring forth respectful and more kind children. I also think that some of their ways have caused low self-esteem, iso

Expecting and New Parents Books Don’t Tell You About How People Change or About the Emotions

WRITTEN BY: FELECIA CAUSEY PHOTOGRAPHY BY: FELECIA CAUSEY MODEL: COURTNEY FREEMAN Pregnancy books have everything laid out of what to expect. Most of them share what size your baby is in your stomach every month and what to expect from your doctor visits, but what they all don’t tell you is how the people in your life will change and how you will see life differently. They don’t tell you just how bad the emotions get and that you will soon find that everyone doesn't understand what’s going on. They will not know what to do when you are lonely because nobody wants to hang out with the boring pregnant lady. The writers or experts will not educate you on what to do when people avoid you, when you become whiny and complain about everything.  You're pregnant and excited, especially if this is your first baby, but don’t expect the “Expecting” books to tell you the sad and ugly side of how people are doing your pregnancy.   The books will not share with you how to deal with all the th

I'll Be Waiting: Part 2 The Wait Is Over

Photography By: Felecia Causey   There is nothing more exciting than witnessing a happy ending story, especially when you were rooting for the people. I did a blog back in 2016 that featured this family. I was excited to see this family come together, especially when the holidays were fast approaching.  Below is the first article: On September 26, 2013, my best friend, my fiancé, and my children's father were sentenced to 18 months, and it was very hard for us. From the first time I met him, we didn't spend a day apart and he was all my children knew.  My kids were used to seeing their father on a daily basis. At first, I tried to be strong, I told myself time would fly because it was only 18 months.  It was hard because my children at the time, ages 1 and 3, asked for their father day in and day out. I lied to them, and I told them their father was in school and had to spend the night there. Telling them that was easy, and it worked for them. Things were not easy, but it wasn&

Zoet Beauty Supply: Black Females Owners

  Photos Provided By: Zoet Beauty Supply

Interview With Visual Artist Rae Akino

Photos Provided By: Rae Akino  Please share with my readers a little about yourself.   I am a self taught Black Queer visual artist from DC.  I was raised with a melting pot of influences from Block parties and GoGo music, to Broadway plays and 45's.  I moved to Seattle in 2014 to step out of my comfort zone and haven't looked back since.      Tell me what inspired you to start doing art? Initially cartoons inspired me as a kid,  As I got older I began to notice the art around me (Graffiti, album cover posters, hair shows) and that was nothing like what I would ever see in the Smithsonian.     How long have you been painting?   Off and on for about 10 years, showing for about 3 years.      In your opinion, what was the hardest part of putting your artwork out there? Having to talk in crowded spaces about something I am extremely sensitive about.      What advice would you give to an upcoming artist? Don't give any energy to those who question or don't understand what yo