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Showing posts from October, 2016

The Surprise of A Lifetime

Surprise engagements are the new trend right now. When Terrence emailed me of the surprise engagement dinner he had planned for Irisha, I was just tickled. I have known this couple since I started my hobby doing photos. It was very well planned out, and the location was beautiful. The venue Terrence chose to do the proposal was on the patio of Central restaurant in downtown Montgomery, Al. I was very impressed with the restaurant elegance, and their awesome valet parking. Downtown was very busy that evening, so having valet parking gave Central a two thumbs up, for me. When I went to join the other guests, who were patiently was waiting for the couple to arrive. I get a text from Terrence that they were coming around the corner.  The moment Irisha saw her friends and family, she instantly started laughing, and was shocked. She sat in the chair, as Terrence sung to her. I believe at this time, she was aware something big was about to happen. When he begin to si

Is It Worth Staying

My name is Kimayatta Green, and I want to share my story about being in a domestic violence relationship 16 years ago. It was a very bad abusive relationship that went on for about two and a half years. I was 20 years old around that time and I thought I had met the man of my dreams. He was handsome, and very intelligent. He treated me very nice and gave me everything I wanted. After, dating him for about 3 months things started to change, he started to change. He was being verbally abusive to me, and started calling me all kinds of names.  I distance myself from him, and I stopped answering my phone for him every time he called. I didn't for about 3 days, so he decided to come by my house. I was staying with my mother and my 2 brothers at the time, and that day my mom wasn't at home.  It was 9:00 at night when he came by my house, and my brothers were sleep. He knocked on the door about four times. I didn't answer the door, but he knew what room that I slept in.  

Found Something Worth Living For

 My name is Decoriya. As some of you may know,Lupus is an inflammatory disease caused when the immune system attacks its own tissues.  It's just my luck that it can not be cured. There is no one that wants to be diagnosed with any disease.  When I was first diagnosed I was so afraid. It was in, January 2007, I was 16 years old. I was still in high school, and I even tried to work. Honestly, that's the only way that I didn't think about it . Many people like a way to keep it off their mind. You having lupus can make and develop into many other things , such as  kidney failure, which is what I have. Instead of living a normal  teenage life , I had to live my life to maintain my health, and do something that Lord knows I HATE which is dialysis. I will have to for the rest of my life or until I get a transplant. You would think after being on it , or dealing with lupus for so long you would be able to cope better with it by now.  Each day only gets harder and harder, but

Proved Herself Exceptional

My name is Aisha Griffin, and I am a 32 yr old resident of Montgomery, Al. I was born and raised in Maryland, and at the age 10 my world was turned upside down. I lost a person that I felt should have forever been by my side, my mother. As a little girl your mother is who in your mind is always supposed to be around even if you don't have anyone else. I had dreams of her being there for my first and last everything. Although I experienced this tragedy, I was fortunate to be able to grow up with family thanks to my grandma and aunt. They showed me unconditional love without a doubt, but there is nothing like the love of a mother. At such a young age I was experiencing things that I didn't feel was normal, and to afraid to express them so I bottled them in and mask my feelings. On the inside I was hurt, angry, lonely, and felt like God was punishing me. I blamed myself, I felt like God nor my mother loved me because if they did she would still be with me. I neede

Lawson Family Family Session

One of my favorite photo from the session. She smiled as her mom was singing. 

Latasha Maternity Session

Latasha was recently on my blog because she shared her story on the lost of her daughter to still birth. She recently booked me to do her maternity shoot.. She will soon be welcoming her son. TJ was very cooperating and didn't complain or give me a hard time of all the poses I had in mind.  Thanks guys and I appreciate you allowing me to capture these special moments. Be sure to check out her story on a recent blog:

Love's Wedding

Congrats to Ashley and Terrin. I met them when they won a contest with me. They had a beautiful ceremony and reception at Maxwell Club at the Maxwell Air Force Base.  I captured details of the wedding as I waited for everyone to get ready for pre-wedding photos. The groomsmen allowed  Terrin (the groom) to run through them NBA style. I captured these cuties after I captured the groom and his groomsmen.  The Love's sweet baby allowed me to capture this photos, while Ashley finished her make-up.. Ashley's bridesmaids helped her finish getting ready. Just before we all prepared to head to the ceremony room, I quickly asked the bride's maids to gather for a prayer photo. I absolutely love this... Ashley walked down the isle as Terrin waited on her at the alter. I thought he would cry, but he stood tall and smiled as Ashley came down the isle. After the couples said their vows and sealed it