
Love Is Deeper Than The Color of Someone's Skin

  Written By: Felecia Causey Photography By: Felecia Causey Thanks to my models!! The world has been showing some ugly traits and behaviors towards each other simply because of the color of a person’s skin. Love is a beautiful thing, and the color of a person’s skin should not be why they shouldn’t be loved or mistreated. Look at this beautiful little girl, who couldn’t love this sweet face?   People quickly judge people by what they see on the outside instead of getting to know an individual from the inside.   You can’t judge a person off someone that looks like them. We are all guilty, we have at least one time in our lives judged someone on how they look. We assumed that a person fits certain stereotypes. Isn’t that sad? We have looked at how people are dressed, what car they drive, where they live, and the most common is the pigmentation of their skin. I have taken pride in my parenting, and always teaching my kids to be kind to others, no matter h ow they look.  A person deserves

Class of 2023 Parents You Did It!!

Written By:Felecia Causey Photography By:Felecia Causey Thanks to my models! The long nights and long days were worth it.  As you watched your child walk across the stage, to reach a very important milestone, there was no feeling like it.   The child that you once held in your arms, read stories to, and comforted when he/she wasn’t feeling well, has grown into an amazing young man or woman. The journey I’m sure had its ups and downs, disappointments, and heartbreak, but what goals doesn’t? Regardless of if you are married or a single parent the role of parenthood is trying, but so rewarding.   The constant staying on them, encouragement, and sometimes just holding them to console them from a bad grade or heartbreak was not in vain. You stood in the gap of lost friends along the way and family members that never showed up. You constantly reminded them how you love them even when they felt like you were hard on them. There were days I’m sure, they were so hurt, and you couldn’t find the

Preparing Your Kids for School

  Written By: Felecia Causey Photography By: Felecia Causey Thanks to all my amazing models! Kids grow so fast. One minute, they’re coming from the hospital, and before you know it, they are graduating Pre-K or Kindergarten.  Education is so different from what many of us parents remember. When we started school, the requirements were nothing compared to what kids need to know, before enrolling in any pre-k or kindergarten class.  We actually learned most stuff like our alphabet and numbers 1-50 in class. In times such as these, kids need to be prepared early. They need to be able to read before they enter school. What do I mean? With so many failing schools, and overcrowded classrooms, allowing your child to be behind his classmates in their studies will cause him/her to become stressed and overwhelmed trying to cram in a lot of information at one time.  Let’s be real, many teachers feel overworked, and don’t have the extra time to catch them up. It seems harsh, but it’s one of the ug

Moms Sometimes We Have to Learn as We Go

Written By: Felecia Causey   There are hundreds of books and blogs, by professionals, that are supposed to give moms the guidance of this thing called motherhood.  The question is c an a book really prepare you for everything that comes with this role? Can someone advise and really prepare you for every emotional or physical challenge that may come to you as a mother?  Can a blog teach you how to feel or how to prepare for all the humps on this journey? Elders can give you traditional ways, television shows can give you what they think a household should look like, and a “professional” can tell you what you should or should not do. Can anyone or anything really have all the answers and keys to being the perfect parent? Every child is different. Don’t be hard on yourself. There isn’t anyone that can give you the manual to “your child/children”. Do books tell you how to mend your child’s broken heart? Will someone be able to tell a mother not to cry because a doctor told them their child

Featuring: Ice King (Let's Get to the Sweet Part)

  I would like to thank Mr.Jason Nguyen for allowing me the opportunity to feature his business on my blog. Written By: Felecia Causey Photos By: Felecia Causey Summer is here and everyone is looking for fun things to do, staying cool, and eating delicious foods and treats. I’m ready to share my recent experience with Ice King that’s located here in Montgomery, AL.  Is it worth the visit and will your family/friends love it?  Well Felecia Causey’s Blog is here to give you a breakdown and give my honest opinion.  I will start with the location of this spot. It’s located in a busy area, where there are many other businesses, restaurants, and treat shops.  You must be careful getting in and out of traffic, but it’s worth the hustle and bustle of this location.  Now let's get to the good part. Inside of Ice King, the first things that caught my attention were the cleanliness, the greeting, the spaciousness, vivid colors, and the cool decor.   We were greeted by the courteous and very

Interview: Featuring Datreese, A Full Time Student and Owner of The Melanie Dolls

  Photos Provided by: Datreese Thomas Felecia: Please tell me a little about yourself that you want readers to know about the person behind the beautiful dolls. ●   My name is Datreese Thomas, I am 23 years old, a full-time student at The University of Houston, and a full-time entrepreneur. One thing that I love to tell other people about me is that I am a child of God. I thank God every day that there is a God and for saving me from myself. Felecia: The fact that you quit your job and stepped out on faith to start your business is amazing. Can you tell me just a little bit about that? ● It’s so funny because when I first started my business, I didn't really believe in God like that. At that time, which was in 2021 I was very young and very lost. But I started to have. this idea of starting a black doll company that I could not get out of my head. And because I was a broke college student, and knew that it was such a great business idea, I started to really go for it lol. But in th