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Showing posts from August, 2017

Life Is Short So Live Love and Laugh

Photography: Felecia Causey This is Tanasia story in her words, but edited by Felecia's Blog Spot.. Photo Courtesy of Tanasia The father of my kids and I were together for 5 years. He was very funny and we always had a great time together. He was basically "the life of the party". I never knew what I thought would last forever would end so soon. I thought we would grow old together. We started our family very young. We welcomed our first born,  Josiah, who is currently three years old. He brought so much joy to our lives. We had our ups and downs, but it was nothing that we couldn't get through. Our bond was very strong, and we would never allow ourselves to go to bed angry. I never loved anyone as much as I loved him and our son. On June 11, 2017, the day he passed, a part of my heart left with him.  He was shot and killed in a freak accident. The day he died he told us twice that he loved us, and it's one of the things that has kept me sane.

Six Mistakes Hotels Commonly Make: Family Traveler's Complaints

Written:Felecia Causey Most of us will spend the extra money and become repeated customers if we are provided with good service. When going on a family vacation, it can become expensive ,and you want the best hotel. You want to be satisfied and happy. Yet, many hotels that provides accommodation for families, make these horrible mistakes so often, that it not only ruins the vacation, but makes the customers regret the waste of money. Here is my list of the most annoying mistakes hotels make: 1.  They sometimes have rude desk clerks and managers: Customers hate it when we walk into a hotel and not be greeted. We don't want to walk up to a rude or nonchalant clerk. My perspective of my encounter with the clerk gives me, what kind of service the hotel will offer. 2. They are not ready at check-in or not being considerate for early check-ins. They actually think we don't double check, on what time we are allowed to check-in. After traveling and being exhausted, t

Breastfeeding In Public

Written By: Felecia Causey Photography: Felecia Causey Many people are very offended at the sight of a mother breastfeeding her baby in public. The top reasons after reading and researching is people found it inappropriate and they felt seeing it would make them uncomfortable. After many years on the controversy of breastfeeding in public, there are still many negative reactions. It has become such a big deal that it has caused many women nursing their babies to be kicked out public places all over the world.  The many viral social media rants from moms of being mistreated, is a constant reminder of how many people and businesses don't agree on public breastfeeding. Women must be brave to breastfeed her baby outside of her comfort zone. She can be self conscious, but take pride in choosing her baby's need before the negativity she will face on this nursing journey. Many moms are not trying to make anyone feel uncomfortable but want to feed their baby

Featuring My Stay At The Hyatt Regency Birmingham The Wynfrey Hotel

  I really enjoyed my stay at the Hyatt Regency The Wynfrey Hotel in Birmingham, Al. The Wynfrey Hotel, is connected to the Galleria Mall, which provides accessibility to an excellent shopping experience. If you’re tired from a long trip you can easily relax in one of the hotel's spacious room. The Wynfrey is a great hotel that provides immaculate service to all families and businesses alike. The hotel is very appealing both inside and out.   The hospitality in the hotel is excellent , and the location is very convenient as far as quick shopping, a variety of different restaurants choices, and other personal needs.  The rooms were very clean with high quality linens. The beds were very comfortable. They offer steaks and drinks downstairs at the famous Shula’s Steakhouse along with the bar.  Overall a very excellent hotel, and I will recommend a stay there. You won't be disappointed. My family enjoyed This is a 4 star hotel that should be a 5 star!!!!!!!!!

Overcoming A Fear of Flying

My name is Aisha Griffin and I am a resident of Montgomery, Al. Throughout my 33 years of life, I've had to fight many battles and domestic violence was one. I went through a lot at such a young age, causing me to have an eternal shut down. I never wore my feelings, and pretending had become natural. As I became of age to have my own personal relationship with men, I honestly didn't know what to expect because I had not been shown. It's a saying that a father can be the first man to break his daughter heart, and I agree. My father and I have a relationship up until this day, but it's not the kind I would prefer it to be. As I got older I had certain expectations of him, and it always was a let down. But that was my daddy, and I loved him. I carried that same forgiving love into my own relationships. Of course the abuse started off small in the verbal stage, but abuse is abuse. I got immune to it, and it became a normal part of my life. It's only natural when in

Featuring Natural Hair Moms and Daughters

Photos By: Felecia Causey The natural hair movement has been encouraged and has expanded among African American women. The interest in natural hair has increased, and the numerous amount of hair products are rapidly growing. Read these mothers journey on choosing to have natural hair with their daughter, and the products they use on their hair. Looking for the right products that work for you can become expensive, so be sure to check back soon on my write up featuring the different natural hair products and vendors. Latasha and daughter Brianna In today's  society everyone have this perception of what true beauty looks like. However, everyone is beautiful  in their own  unique way! As an elementary student my daughter was ridiculed for being dark skin with the kinky coily hairy. She began to feel that her beauty was inferior to those classmates, passing judgment.   Shortly after she wanted to change her appearance to resemble the bullying classmates to become more

Featuring:Moms With Twins

  Photos By: Felecia Causey The discovery that you are having twins can be thrilling, shocking, and even overwhelming.  I am sure many parents starred in disbelief at their ultrasound.  The number of twins being born has increased, and people are still just amazed at their cute little faces.  Many women as myself even fantasize about having twins. I recently met a few moms who shared what it felt like to have twins and/or how it changed their life. Cameron with her sons Caleb and Caiden   "My life as a mother with twins has been life changing. I had my twins when I was 18 years old a high school senior trying to graduate. I thank God everyday for my support system, they the main ones that helped me these 4 years. Having a set of twins is 10x harder especially being a single parent. Yes it's very exciting to experience carrying two little people at once, but with excitement comes problems. Carrying twins is a high risk pregnancy and with just a little

I Only Work Here

I absolutely enjoyed working in customer service. I loved meeting the new people, and there was always something going on every shift. There were some good and bad days, but I learn a while back that it was the attitude I "chose" to have to determine what my day would be like. I decided to turn what myself and many other workers would like customers to know into a letter. Dear Customers, Some of us always try to speak, and be friendly, but you being spitefully rude and nasty, is just not having good manners.  When we scan your items, and the register doesn't ring up the price you saw or thought it should be, please don't get offended, if we do a follow up. 90% of us doesn't work on commission, so we're not trying to cheat you, we're only going by what the computer tell us and trying not to lose our jobs. We understand you may become sick, so please cover your mouth. Yes, this is how we pay our bills, so please use hand sanitizer that the company we


    Owned by Tuan Vu   As a breeder you wait for a stud that you envision to be the cornerstone of your kennel.  In this case Tuan have found that stud in Drew Breezy.  He is a legit 85lbs with a massive head, short blocky mug, heavy leg bones, nice girth, and great temperament.  He comes from the Bullycampline Bolow bred to Jenga of Tottyline.       Thus far Tuan is well pleased with Drew Breezy productions.  He is producing great color variety's along with heavy bone, girth, and a signature head piece.  He is producing large litters and has a phenomenal sperm count.         Male on the Left and female on the right.  Both are carrying mass, bone, and signature head piece.         More puppies from Breezy.  So if anybody needs solid foundation blood at a great price Drew Breezy is the right choice.             Tuan is currently opening Breezy up for stud at a great price for the first 10 females. Either $500.00 and a puppy

Isn't My Money Green Too

Written By: Felecia Causey Have you ever emailed someone who work, product, or service you loved, and they didn't respond back? Have you ever went into a local business and they treated you like your business was irrelevant?  Have you visited a family owned restaurant, and the usual regular customers are greeted friendly, and you receive the cold shoulder, and it made you feel like you just invaded a private gathering? I am sure if you haven't said yes to one of these questions, you have experienced something similar. I know you work very hard for your money, and you take pride in who or where you spend it. I remember I had a gift certificate to receive a massage, at one of the most well known spa in Montgomery, AL, but the customer service was so horrible, I requested a refund immediately. Customer service is everything, rather it's a beautician or restaurant owner.  Treating every customer like they are valuable, just like their money is the same color as eve